Camp Palm Canyon

Thursday February 27, 2014 Palm Canyon AZ.

I woke up at my Quartzsite camp rather late and got it going for the day. First thing I wanted to do was go to the library and check my email and the weather report and post yesterdays blog, which I did.

I wasn’t in  a hurry as all I had to do today was drive down to Palm Canyon, down highway 95, not too far below Quartzsite.

I drove down there and took a left turn to Palm Canyon. It’s a ways to the canyon on a gravel road that wasn’t too bad with washboard, just a little.

Here’s my view going up the road to Palm Canyon, which is at that big mountain about in the center of the picture.Palmcanyonroad


My view as I got closer to the mountain.palmcanyon2


And just a little closer and you can see the road that goes up to the parking lot for the Palm Canyon Trail, which goes up that canyon.palmroad


Before I got to the parking lot, I could see there were a number of cars and four wheelers there. Would anyone be in my camp spot? There’s only a small place to park down in the lower corner that is level. No one was in it as I entered the parking lot, but it was sorta blocked by a truck that was owned by someone off walking up the canyon, so I parked and waited until they came back down and left.

In the mean time a couple of folks came by with kayaks on their rig and stopped to talk for a bit. They’d just  been down to Baja in Mexico for two and a half months. We shot the bull for a bit and they went up for the walk to the palms and soon the other truck left so I grabbed my camp spot.

This is the view looking back down the entrance road just after I arrived.viewout


This is  my camp spot in front of Palm canyon. This spot is one or two hundred feet or so, up higher than the surrounding desert, so it commands quite a view.palmcamp


Most every one cleared out before five PM so I had the place to myself.

I did a couple little walks around the lower parking lot, mostly hobbling along as my ankle is still not fully functional yet.

I just walked around the desert looking around here.walk


You can see it’s not the easiest place to walk around with a sprained ankle.walk2


After awhile I my ankle was hurting a bit, so I retired to the inside of my van.

I was getting hungry and needed a bread fix, so the only thing to do was make up some dough and make up some tortillas.

I mixed up some dough and rolled out three tortillas. I haven’t come close to mastering the art of making round tortillas. It doesn’t really matter as they taste the same, they just don’t’ hold things well, so I don’t put thing in them. Simple, huh? :O)

Here’s one of my not round tortillas getting cooked.TORTLLIACOOK


And here’s a couple of the finished product. Tasty, they disappeared fast. I saved some dough for next time.COOKEDTOR


Just about sun down, I went out and took a photo of the trail and the Palm Canyon. I was hoping to hike way on up there some where’s higher than I did last year, but the sprained ankle put a stop to that idea, for now.palmcan


The sun went down and I was up here all by myself and enjoying it.sunset


Tomorrow, there are supposed to be some rain showers coming in, so I will move my camp down to Horse Tank, just south of here back on highway 95.

A lazy day for sure.

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