Checking Out the Queen’s Canyon Road

Tuesday February 18, 2020 Queen’s Canyon, Kofa Arizona

Queen’s Canyon Road

We left Quartzsite this morning and headed down 95 to the Palm Canyon Road and turned onto it.

We turned off on the Queen’s Canyon road. Dan only has two wheel drive so when things got rough we found this camp spot and parked his truck there.

The road in.road


We left Dan’s truck here at our camp spot and continued on up the Queen’s Canyon road in my


We stopped at the skull to check it out and talked with a couple nice people there before moving on to the end of the road.skull


We were looking for the wash we wanted to go for a walk on tomorrow up ahead a ways.rockroad



We found the wash and eventually turned around at the end of the road and headed back to camp where we stayed the night.camp2


Tomorrow we plan to do a hike up the wash in there so stay tuned.

Nice day exploring around the Kofa.

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One Response to Checking Out the Queen’s Canyon Road

  1. DAVID EVANS says:

    Looks as if you are having a swell time!…Yes!

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