Checking Out the River For Kayaking and Cooling Off In the Hills

Tuesday July 2, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Train station

I went to the old train station today, well, it used to be a train station from about 1875 to 1935 but now it’s a State of California state parks  headquarters.trains1

I was hopping to catch a couple of guys here to have a talk, but the guys weren’t in.rangers2


I was thinking of going kayaking so I headed on down to Jenner where the ocean and the Russian river meet and went to the overlook to check things out.overlook3

I spotted some cormorants down on the water, resting up.cormorants4

And a bunch of geese, also resting up.geese5

River’s mouth

The river’s mouth was closed meaning the river wasn’t running into the ocean as the sand bar was too high.ocean6

Being a holiday, there were just too many people down there kayaking for me, so I decided to put off the kayaking until after the holidays.

This is looking up the river from the overlook.rover7

Heading home

Actually with the holiday days on, the best place to be was home, so I headed that way.

Heading for the hills

After a nap, I hopped in Hondo and headed for the hills where it was a bit cooler and went up to  my brother Tom’s water tank to see if it was filling with water as I’d been working on the water input from the spring the last few days.taml8

Tank gauge

The gauge was at the top  meaning the tank was empty, but maybe the gauge was stuck so I found a stick and was able to pull it down and it freed it up and it started to work. The tank was three quarters full.guage9


Then I made my way over to the pond and sat for a spell. I did some work on it yesterday with Skiddy to help seal it up and it came up a couple inches.pond10


I’d also dug out the spot a bit yesterday  to see if I could get to some more clay so I checked it out today. Looks like I can get quite a bit more clay out of there with a shovel, when I need it. There’s a small spring there, but there’s not much water.clay11

I rode around some and sat at a couple overlooks. On the way home I stopped here to check out the rock I put in the crossing yesterday.crossing12

I think one more load will do it.rocks13

Nice day.

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