Chickens, Van Work and Roses

Wednesday April 22, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Groggy head

I’d planned to order the stuff I need to upgrade the van’s cooling system with today. But when I awoke my head wasn’t on too good. It felt a bit groggy so I decided to wait on that phone call another day. That gives me more time to think about it which is always a good thing when making changes on stuff.

So I did a lot of chair hopping and some puttering around the yard until my head cleared a bit.


Here’s my eight peeps with momma hen in their pen. I don’t let them out as I’ve lost peeps to hawks in the past, so they have to wait until they get bigger. All the peeps are doing well.pips


Because the weeds are starting to grow faster I let the chickens out much earlier today.birds


I was trying to get them into the raspberry patch but most of them never got there as there were lots of things to eat on the way.

Raspberry patch

Here’s how my raspberry patch looks right now. The berry plants are really starting to put on growth and I’m seeing some flowers too so I’m hoping to get some berries soon.patch


I did get some of the chickens in the berry patch, about half of them. They like to scratch and dig things up to look for bugs, worms and seeds and anything else that can be eaten. Fortunately they don’t like to eat raspberry plants.scatching


Van’s cooling system upgrade work

Later in the afternoon my head finally got on right so I worked on the van’s cooling  system project figuring out what I need to make and what sizes things need to be. I was also double checking the dimensions and shapes of things I need to order for the job. I think I’ve pretty much got it figured out so I need to get things ordered up as I need some of the parts to be sure I make brackets the right sizes.

Get it done

I can only do a little more on this project until I get the parts so I better get the parts ordered as with this virus thing it might take a lot longer to get them.

Blooming roses

Late in the day I was walking around the yard when I noticed a lot of the roses around the yard are just starting to bloom.

This is a pink climbing rose.pinkbush


The pink climbing rose roses.pinkrose


This one is a big red rose, what else eh.redrose


A little red rose bud.rose


And another climbing pink rose, the one I propped up the other day.roses


The day got off to a slow start but turned out fairly productive getting some stuff done I needed to get done and the sun was out real nice too.

Nice day.

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One Response to Chickens, Van Work and Roses

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Nice day indeed.
    Love the peeps and the selection of roses.

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