Continuing on With This Adventure

Getting going at Willow Creek Camp weds. Oct. 24 AM

It was a cold night, I was a a bit chilly this morning just before sunup. The sun was out as I woke, with a few clouds in the sky, but, boy was it cold out. I lit the heater and stayed in bed until things warmed up a little.

Shortly after I got dressed and moving, it started to snow and it hasn’t let up until I was almost to Winnemucca, NV.

The below picture is from my van camp looking east over Willow Creek Reservoir. The Jarbidge Mountains are to the center right. Lots of snow in the area.


RVer’s of all sizes come to this place when the weather is good. Strictly a boon docking area, no services of any kind. Excellent rocky dirt road to this reservoir. Well maintained.

Snow? Where did that come from?

Just after I got up this morning, it turned to snow and kept at it until I was almost to Winnemucca, NV.

Most of the road to the Reservoir is well kept as there is a lot of mining out this way. There was some mine activity just past the Willow Creek Reservoir, which I hasn’t seen before. That means they will keep the road up to the area they are working in good shape.

Below is what the road looked like traveling in a light snow. No wash boards on this road, well kept.



I was going to do some exploring in the Midas area, but it was snowing pretty good when I got to this turn off, so I decided to do that some other time.



There are even more big mines in the Midas area, so the road gets even better. Two lanes wide and very well maintained all the way to the pavement. I came out at a place called Golconda, NV. , just east of Winnemucca.


From there on to Winnemucca, where I went to Wally’s to get some new wind shield wiper, as my drivers one kept chattering, maddening in this weather. I purchased those and installed them without too much trouble, then gassed up and am now at the McDonalds using the internet connection to post my blogs and write this one.

Where to go now,…………. home?

Everything about the weather points to heading home, but what the hey? This is an adventure, so let’s not do that yet. Besides, that means going over the 80 pass and the Sacramento area, which always sucks, so I’m thinking of going to Oregon on highway 95 north out of here and then take highway 140 west to Lakeview, OR.

My van is real dirty, so it could use a wash if it was to rain on me there. The night temps are around 24 degrees F. about the same as for this area. I lived though something like that last night, so, what the hey, I can do it one more time. Makes me appreciate my home. Warmsy.

I’m thinking I may do some yakking in the Sprague River area or the Klamath Falls area. We’ll see how the weather is when I get over there. It’s not that far of a shot home from there if the weather isn’t to my liking, although, after being over here, just a few degrees increase in temperature would be great.

So far, this has been quite an adventure, through lots of interesting places in some real interesting and challenging weather. Just great. :O)

In the mean time, I’ll be meandering in a westward direction, headed north first.

Leaving Winnemucca at 1 PM.

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