Tuesday August 27, 2019 Guerneville CA.
Get the dentist over with first
The day started out with a trip to my dentist. My hygienist wanted to do some cleaning out of a place in my gum that had a tooth that had a pocket in the gum. That went fairly well.
Friendly Feed Store
Then I drove over to the Friendly Feed store and picked up some chicken feed seed I’d ordered.
From there I drove on home and put the seed in the shed and it was break time.
Port Orford for a break in the work
After a good break I went out with stuff to my van that I’d need for my trip I’m taking off on tomorrow. I’m headed to Port Orford Ore. for a week or so. The best way to get away from too much work is to go where the work isn’t so that’s the plan.
The plan is to do some kayaking and exploring around the Port Orford area and mostly take it easy. The weather is looking good for that area.
Spent the day loading
I loaded the van with stuff throughout the day with stuff I think I might need for the trip and now I think it’s ready to go with just a few little things to add in the morning.
My next post should be from the Port Orford Library if all goes well which it should.
That’s it for my day for another good one as I didn’t work too hard.
Ride on Bob!..My rig may get out of the shop come Tuesday……
Still time for adventures before the white stuff falls..eh??
If you run into my friend Gordon Pierce in Port Orford –please tell him Jenny J says Hey. He and his wife lives in their RV there — cant rem the name of the park — I met him first on line when he had a blog and later in person in Spokane — We share almost the same birthday – he is four days older — I am looking forward to your coast travels…keep on truckin’ PS I really miss my beloved Pacific Northwest!!
Nice to wrap a few off those things and get away for a while, safe travels