Seems I Shoot the Bull with Most Everyone

Thursday July 18, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Dentist day

Today was a dentist day so I took it easy then around noon I headed for the dentist to see my hygienist for a cleaning. I also wanted them to check out some teeth in the back one of which I had rooted and crowned in Mexico awhile back. I realized a few weeks ago  I’ve been clinching my teeth for quite some time and causing some pressure problems. Knowing I was clinching I stopped doing that and the teeth are starting to feel better.

Shooting the bull

My hygienist and the receptionist both have chickens so there’s a lot of bull going on between us and I’m lucky to get any work done but we did.

Deep pocket

They found a small pocket on the side of my tooth that needs cleaned out so I made an appointment to have it cleaned out deep after my upcoming trip.

Mexico tooth is good

The tooth done in Mexico was A Ok so I was happy with that report.

Visit the cheese factory

When I left the dentist I drove over to the cheese factory and bought a couple pounds of cheese. Hummm good. I’ve gotten to know the lady at the cheese factory and shot the bull with her a bit too. Shooting the bull  makes the day more fun.

Shopping away

From there I drove over to Walmart and then Home Depot to get some stuff.

The rest of the stores I was thinking of going to didn’t happen as I was shopped out already.

Visiting friends

From there I drove over to visit Patti and Marty for a bit to shoot the bull then drove on home and put my stuff away.

It was late in the day when I got home so not much happened but I did enjoy the nice evening sitting in my yard.

That was it for me today for a nice day.

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One Response to Seems I Shoot the Bull with Most Everyone

  1. George Yates says:

    It is always fun to shoot the bull with [eople during your day. Nice that your Mexican too0th repairs was A ok.

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