Dirt Bike Idle Fix and Ripe Mulberries

Monday August 6, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Dirt bike idle fix

I ordered up a manual adjust for my dirt bike awhile ago and today was the time to get it installed. The one that came with the bike varies the idle all the time and messes up the hold back when going down hills on compression.

I had to remove all the plastic and move the gas tank a bit to get to the part.bike1

The red thing is the new part I installed. It’s in a rather tight spot to get to.idler2

I started the bike and adjusted the new idle a bit, but will have to adjust it more when I go for a ride.

Window out

I  helped Tom remove this old window so he could install some newer ones, which didn’t take long.window3

Forest ride

Later in the day, I took the dirt bike for a ride to test out the new idle thingy.

I rode down this road. I  had to adjust the idle thingy several times when I first took off, but eventually, I got it pretty good.road5

I made it up to our break area for a break.view4

Fish doing their job

I checked this pool to see if the mosquito fish were still alive I put in there the other day. I saw at least one of them and I didn’t see any mosquito larva in the pool so they appear to be doing their job eating the larva.pool6

After some riding around, I headed towards home down this road.road7

After testing out the new manual adjuster, the bike appears to work better all the time, not just going down hills, so that was a success.

Mulberry tree berries

Mulberry trees have lots of berries that seem to ripen for a month or more.

Mine are ripening now, so I put a ladder up this tree.tree8

They have lots of berries on them.berrys9

As you can see.berrys10

When they turn black like this one, they go into the mouth. Yummy.berry11

I spent the evening chair hopping around the yard with the chickens.

Nice day.

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