Dressed Warm and Took the Bulldozer for a Joy Ride

Sunday November 12, 2017 Guerneville CA.

I’m going to do something today

Today I dressed real warm before going outside as I was determined to do something today.

Dozer needs transmission oil

I loaded some transmission oil on the quad and a funnel and a rag and a grease gun and headed on up the hill to put the oil in the dozer.

I put the transmission oil in and greased the machine.dozer


Charging the dozer’s battery

The dozer has been sitting around for awhile and needed it’s battery charged so I took it for a bit of a joy ride.

I went up this road  that needs brushed out. It’s an old logging skid trail they dragged logs down a number of years ago.dozer2


Town of Guerneville

I made it to the ridge top overlooking the town of Guerneville.guerneville


The town of Guerneville, looking over one of Korbels wineries’  vineyard.guerneville2


And took this road and pushed a few downed trees off the road.road4


And I went  this way down this main fire road on the ridge. My great grandfather was supposed to have built this road with Chinese labor a long time ago, before 1900.road7


Indian springs

And I went by this area called the old Indian spring where we get some of our spring water. The spring is under those trees in front of the dozer about ten feet under the ground. The Indian’s used to camp in this spot when the tan oak acorns were ready to harvest. They used the spring to process the nuts.spring


It was getting dark before I got to the spot I wanted to park the dozer which I arrived at just after dark, so I drove the quad home in the dark.

That was my day.

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One Response to Dressed Warm and Took the Bulldozer for a Joy Ride

  1. Your vegetable soup sure look scrumptious. Janis and I took a ride out to Armstrong Woods on Sunday as we sometimes do. No water in the creek yet, but the forest always seems to lift our spirits in a magical way. I’m glad you’re getting some relief.

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