Dumped My Dentist and Shopped For a Side By Side


I hadn’t been shopping for food for a couple of weeks now, so today was the day, but first, I had a dentist cleaning appointment that didn’t go well.


I’ve had this thing about not doing routine X-rays for a long time. I do let them do them once in awhile and when they are needed to check a tooth out, but not all the time as I don’t think they are very useful and I just like to limit my x-ray exposure.

Well, I got in the chair and the first thing she says is, it’s x-ray time. I’ve wasted a lot of money over the years on these useless x-rays. It’s not really the money as much as it’s my body’s exposure to the things. She insisted. I said it’s my body, not yours, but that wasn’t good enough for her. I said, well, I guess we can’t do business then and got out of the chair and left. I didn’t really care for the new dentist that just took over the place anyway.

John Deere

From there I went to my John Deere place to see if my manual and part came in yet. They didn’t. I also wanted to have a look at their side by sides as I could use one to work on stuff in the forest as they carry more tools then what I’ve got.I wanted a gas one, but that turned out to be a big problem as California is outlawing gas ones this year so there were only a couple in stock and the one they had was out of my price range.

Kubota dealer

The Kubota dealer was right next to the John Deere place so I stopped in to have a look at their offerings. They didn’t have any gas ones in Kubota, but they did have a couple of Kawasaki ones that were gas and in my price range, but I need to look around a bit more before getting something.  I may have to reconsider the more expensive John Deere one with this stupid no gas thing.

I didn’t realize getting one of these things was going to be so difficult. I  may come back tomorrow to look around at some more places.

Costco for food

It was late in the day when I got to Costco. That meant I was hungry so put extra stuff in the basket, like we do anyway, but just more so today. I opened up a few things to snack on, on the way home.

Nice day, except for that stupid dentist thing.

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4 Responses to Dumped My Dentist and Shopped For a Side By Side

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been lucky with dentists willing to moderate x ray exposure, though truth be told, I do plenty of other things that are toxic. Now that I’m pushing 80, I just let them take an x ray whenever they want. I’m just glad I still have some teeth to x-ray. About once a year seems the regular request. Being unwilling to negotiate is not a good sign in the new dentist’s office. Seems like the hygienist would have at least been willing to ASK the dentist.

  2. Deb says:

    I really do miss our old dentist, he was the best, but we all retire at some point.
    Are you looking at a side by side/gator with a dump box? You are a handy fella, I bet you could make a great little trailer for the back of your quad that would fit any requirement you might have and it would be much less expensive. It makes the quad a bit less maneuverable but if built properly it could carry about anything you want.
    All of the quads back home on the farm have metal racks on the back, easy to attach bungees, etc, great for carrying things. My uncle built a box for the back that is attached to that rack, it also is very effective.

  3. Barb says:

    My dentist sold her business. Went to a good-bye reception and was decended on by the old business manager and new dentist. Great deal offered for “new” patients! Excuse me, who’s new here? You open your mouth and all they see is money. I have to remind them that all that is in there was done when I HAD insurance. Would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall to see her face and hear her after you got up and left. Good for you! And no, I haven’t seen the new dentist yet. Cringe just thinking about it.

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