Enterprise Oregon and Some Times Things Don’t Go So Good

Saturday August 3, 2019 Enterprise Oregon

Plans change

I made it to Enterprise Oregon about an hour and a half from Troy. This morning I was having breakfast when Ray asks if I’m ready to go. I say relax we’re camping. He gets in a huff and says he wants to call his daughter who lives in Bend Oregon so he leaves for Enterprise and I have my breakfast and do the morning stuff before leaving. When I got cell service I called him and he said he’s driving the 6 hours to Bend to see his daughter and will drive back to Troy on Monday.

Shot the bull

So he went his way and I continued on to Enterprise where I wanted a library to use the internet so I stopped at a gas station to find out where it was. Turned out the guy there knew the people in Troy I know real well so I shot the bull with him for some time. He also said the Troy ladies’ grandson was just down the street and I should go visit him so I will after this.

The plan

So the plan is to go to Troy and enjoy myself and we’ll see if Ray shows up on Monday and I’ll go from there.

I may find some internet in Troy but the odds are slim.

Nice day so far. :O)

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2 Responses to Enterprise Oregon and Some Times Things Don’t Go So Good

  1. George Yates says:

    Sounds like you are enjoying meeting up with a few and finding internet where ever you can.We prefer to travel alone as well on our own timetable. Keep on having fun.

  2. DAVID EVANS says:

    Ah…Now I get the picture…Sad…This is why I like to travel alone since my wife passed away..She always said: “I’m just along for the ride”…..
    Talk to you Monday..eh??…..
    I may be down by Lehman’s or Ritter’s by then….or Hot Lake….who knows…

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