Troy Oregon, Some Visiting and Some Kayaking.

Sunday August 4, 2019 Troy Oregon

Alrighty, I’m stoked

This is our camp spot in Lostine on the way into Troy where Ray left me to go see his daughter in Bend Or. A guy with two horses rode by just after we got there.wildcamp


In the evening we decided to go for a short walk up that grassy part in the background.camp1


So we did and here we are heading back down to our camp.hike1


Troy Oregon

The next day Ray left and I drove on into the little tiny town of Troy Oregon which looks like this coming into town.troy


Sue’s place

I  decided to drive on up the hill to visit Sue where Dan and I used to stay and do their honey do’s for them every year.

Here’s the road into the house which is up on the bench from the river in this place called Eden.sues


I walked right in and it felt like coming home. Some of her relatives were there so I did a lot of bull ah, I mean


Here’s the view from their house. The river is down in that canyon where I hope to put my kayak in.view


Walking around Eden

It was a bit early in the evening for animal viewing but I went for a walk from the house just the same through this area. Usually there’s lots of elk out there but it was too early.hike2


I got a little lost on the way back to the house and went through this area and finally got turned around right and made it back to the  house.hike3


When I returned to the house I visited with Sue for a good while about all the old time stuff we did while visiting her and her husband Ted a number of years ago.

Back down the river

Here’s the view of the town of Troy coming back down from Sue’s place. I plan to yak the river going up from the bridge tomorrow to check it out.troy2


I stopped into the school to see if there was any Wi-Fi and there was a school guest line open which is great. Thank you Troy School.

Here’s the school. I have to walk across a bridge from town to use the


Not sure how to spell Gris But that’s where I’m camped

After using the internet and getting caught up I drove the short distance to this camp spot called Gris Flat, a free fish and game camp spot on the Wenaha river that flows into the main river at Troy.camp3


Here’s the mouth of the Wenaha where it flows into the main river. I’m going to launch my boat here on that beach tomorrow.wenaha


On the river, great

The next day I sleep in just because I could. Around two I drove down to Troy and parked at the bridge and checked email and then put in yak in the water and started up river making my way.boatin


Huck Finning It

There were two places that were too shallow to paddle so I got out and walked my boat. I call that Huck Finning It. Note my water shoes, not really good enough for the slippery rocks but I made


I paddled up river about a mile, just enough to test it out. I stopped here at Gibe’s hole and sat in my boat and checked things out for a bit.yak


Here’s a better shot of where I sat at Gibes hole.yak3


And another shot of the area.yak2


Dragged a bit, but yippee

After a bit I started back down the river. The first shallow I dragged the bottom a bit but  made it. The second one I ran right through it with a yippee.yak4


Here I’m drifting down towards Troy.yak5


I went under the bridge at Troy that looks like this from the bridge.river4


I returned to my van and put things away and sat around working on this blog on and off between naps.

Unexpected visit

My old van with four wheel drive draws people to it. A guy walks up and says nice van. Turns out his name is John and he is an old drinking buddy of my old friend that has passed named Ted Zeller and we had a great time shooting the bull about old times. Turns out he was the one that supplied the grain and sugar for the booze we made. :O)

Get er posted

So I’m still at Troy and it’s almost dark. I’ll walk across the bridge to post this and go back to camp and wait to see if Ray will arrive tomorrow.

Great day.

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2 Responses to Troy Oregon, Some Visiting and Some Kayaking.

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    What a great trip you are having! Is that a real deer in your 7th picture (view of the river from Sue’s place) ? The water looks lovely, a great place for a yak. Yippee is right, can’t be fun dragging bottom. :)
    Nice camp spot too and great to visit with old friends. Nothing like it.
    Continue to enjoy it all plus the free wifi.

  2. George Yates says:

    You are enjoying this trip, meeting up with people and the yak on the river. Always fun the shoot the Bull about old times.

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