Finished Weeding the Raspberry Patch and Some Apricots Getting Ripe

Monday June 29, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Weeding day

That’s mostly what I did all day. I dug up weeds in the raspberry patch to get it done. It took most of the day with a few breaks in there.

Once I  had all the weeds moved to the chicken pens I turned on the rain bird to give the patch a good watering.WATER


New apricot trees

I have an apricot tree in the backyard by the berry patch with some ripe fruit that I’d been nibbling on but it wasn’t long before they were all gone as there were only a few as it’s a new tree and just starting to produce.

I have a couple more apricot trees out front that I checked out. They are also new trees and had some apricots on them but not many.APRICOTS


Almost ripe

The looked like they were almost ripe for eating.COTS


Btu not quite yet. It looks like it will take a couple more days to ripen them up and I’ll be gone on  a trip so my chicken assistant will get them if she beats the birds to them.COT


It was good to get the raspberry patch weeded and all done and I got some exercise too.

Nice day.

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