Finishing Up and Testing the Dirt Bikes Shock Adjustment

Friday December 1, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Dirt bike work

My spanner wrench came in the other day, so now I can adjust the shock pressure.bike1


I had most of the stuff out of the way so I could get at the shock to adjust it.shock2


I wasn’t sure where I should set the shock adjustment. In the end I decided to set it to it’s highest setting as it was just too much work to get into here. There’s the new spanner wrench that I used to do the job. It wasn’t too hard with the right tools.spanner3


Getting all the plastic parts back in was quite a challenge as there are a lot of bolts in weird places. It was quite the puzzle. Trail and error got it done.I had one bolt left over. I looked hard, but couldn’t find out where it was supposed to be. I guess I don’t need that one, but I’ll save it, just in case.

I measured the seat height and it was around 34 inches so adjusting the shock didn’t cause the bike’s seat to rise any, but hopefully made it a lot stiffer so the tire won’t bottom out and hit. It was hitting real hard before, tearing stuff up.

Test ride

It was starting to drizzle as I took off for the hills, but, so far, it was real light, hardly enough to get one wet.

I rode up to the hilltop and stopped for a bit. You can see the light drizzle off in the distance.view4


I was riding down this road and ran into these downed trees. I’d forgotten about them, more than once as this was the third time I ran into them while riding around.trees5


I made it back down to the bottom of the hill and stopped to sit on a chair on this trail I’d been working on to contemplate life for a bit. This is a nice quiet place to sit.sat6


I made it back home. The shock adjustment seems to mostly be doing the trick. It still rubs a bit once in awhile but it’s a just barely rub and not tearing stuff up, so I’ll try it this way for awhile and see if it’s acceptable, which I think it is.

I spent the rest of the day in the house studying my new operator’s manual for the new machine.

Nice day.

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One Response to Finishing Up and Testing the Dirt Bikes Shock Adjustment

  1. Judith says:

    Glad you may have a fix on the shocks.

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