Firewood and Clay, Working In the Forest

Thursday April 25, 2024 Guerneville CA.

I thought I’d go up and see how Barry was doing cutting firewood and then trim branches along the road on the way back and throw sticks and rocks off the road.

Seems Barry is doing just fine cutting wood.woodcuter1


I left Barry to it and turned around and started cutting brush along the road when I spotted this on the road. Not the tire tracks, but the blue clay I use to develop springs. I think there’s going to be a hole in this road when I take some of the clay out.blueclay2

I’d made it to this spring for a drink of water when Tom came by in his rig going up to see how Barry was doing.tom3


I continued cutting brush and made it to this overlook for a break which was good as I was tired out.sky4

While I was there Tom came by again. He’d been planting potatoes in  his garden today and was taking a break from it.tom5


After a good break at the overlook, I headed for the Sometimes Spring to do some work, going by our little pond.pond6

Spring work

The spring was just past the pond.spring7

I wanted to dig the spring out a bit so thought I’d try the claw hammer to do it as there wasn’t much room in there to do it, but the hammer claws didn’t work as I couldn’t get the claws lined up in the hole to dig.hammer8

So I gave up that idea and thought a digging bar might work better. I continued down the road.road9

Cutting brush

And stopped here to cut some brush off the side of the road.brush10

The trouble with cutting brush is now it has to be removed, so I did that and was tired out.cutbrush11

I went on home for a nap. After the nap, I was outside when I realized I left my camera up there on the road where I was cutting the brush, so I’d have to go back up there, so I hunted for my digging bar and headed back up there and found my camera on the road, right where I left it.

Back at the spring

I used the big digging bar to work on the spring. It worked pretty well, but it was heavy and wore me out pretty fast.didgbar12

I got the spring dug out some and will do more at a later time. I left the bar there so I can dig some more when I ride by again.digging

This is the hole that I’ve been working on making it a little larger, so I can set up my water collection stuff.spring13

I headed back home for a nap and something to eat.

Nice day.

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One Response to Firewood and Clay, Working In the Forest

  1. D.White says:

    Those digging bars are sometimes the only way. They will wear a man out quickly though!

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