Forest Ride, Cousin Visit and Some Skiddy Maintenance

Monday March 25, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up this morning for a ride in the forest. We took off and rode all around the property going round and round.

We stopped at this spring for a drink of water.water1

Break time

And eventually made it up to our break area at the top of the ridge.view2


After a good break we rode over to my cousin’s place and had a good visit for an hour or so.

After that, it was getting late in the day so we headed back to my place and Barry took off for his place.


After a good break, it was time to work on Skiddy. It needed it’s fifty hour planetary gear hub oil change.skiddy3

Here’s the gear hub that needed the oil changed in it. I got the tools and oil out and worked on that.hub4

I had to drain the old oil and then fill it up with new oil. This oil change is a break in thing.oil5

I then did the other side.

Stuck latch

After that, I needed to put fuel in Skiddy which meant I had to open the engine compartment but the latch was stuck and I had to pry it open to get to the fuel filler tube.

It seems I ran into one too many big trees backing up and bent the engine cover a bit so I had to work on fixing that which I did. I’m going to have to be more careful about backing into big trees, somehow.

I was also going to check the track tension but didn’t have time for that.

Nice day.

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