Forest Work and My New Rig Pulls Tom’s Rig Out

Wednesday March 6, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

Not much rain today, only a small drizzle for a short time. Not even enough to get wet.

I headed up the hill to do some trial work and got this far.tree1

I got that cut up and moved it off the road.cutree2

A few clouds in the sky at the trailhead overlook.sky3

I walked out the trail that starts here to do a bit of trail work.f;pwers4

I’d planned to work on this part of the trail, up to my resting chair.trail5

I’d widened out the trail down to this big root and was sitting in my chair resting up when I heard, what are you doing. I said resting up. It was Tom and he had gotten his rig stuck while hauling out some wood he was cutting and needed some help getting unstuck.toot6

I put the tools up and we walked out the trail to the overlook.trail7

We headed to the other side of the property where his rig was stuck.tom8

We took different paths to get there and I only made it to here when I ran into the mother of all tree falls. This big fir tree had fallen yesterday or last night and took a bunch of smaller trees down with it.trees9

Lots of trees to remove in this pile but not today.trees10

I turned the rig around and took another road to where he was stuck. We weren’t sure how the new rig would work pulling him up this muddy hill. It did real good and we got it up the hill.stuck11

We made it out and you can see his muddy tires are full of wet mud. My rig has tractor type tires and did much better in the  mud. mud

I followed him home where we dropped his rig then we headed back up the hill to retrieve  his other rig.rigs12

We rode back up to this big pile of downed trees to check them out. That’s going to take some work to clear this mess.trees13

Nice day.

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One Response to Forest Work and My New Rig Pulls Tom’s Rig Out

  1. Barb says:

    That’ll keep you busy for a while.
    Another use for your new toy, pulling Tom out.
    A “Handy” helper on your jobs.

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