Forest Work and Tackling Blackberry Vines in the Raspberry Patch

Sunday May 14, 2023 Guerneville CA.

I was thinking of going up and visiting with some neighbors up on the hill, but as I chair hopped around the yard, waking up, I changed my mind and I put on my old clothes and rode up the hill to work on the old trail a bit.

To the top

I rode the dirt bike up to the top for the first time on the old part of the trail I’d been working on earlier in the yard. I took it slow and easy with my feet on the ground several times just to make sure I didn’t ride off the trail and end up down on the side of a steep hill.

I made to the top ok, and with a little more practice I should do better.

I parked the bike on the ridge top and walked out this part of the trail that has some steep parts where the trail goes through.trail1


Trail work

This is the part I worked on today. I only worked about two hours and then went on home.trail2


This is the part I’ll work on next time.trail3


Spring tapping prep

After a nap and some chair hopping, I put the shovel on the quad runner and rode up to a spring I want to tap soon. I shoveled a bunch of dirt out to get into the hill more to find out where the main water is coming out of the hill. I took some video’s but forgot to get any pictures. I plan to make a video of the process of tapping this spring for YouTube. The spring tapping video I made and is on YouTube and is popular.

Low Cost, Easy to Make Sanitary Spring Tapping For Water

Anyway I got the part I wanted opened up and went on home.

Wild blackberry vine removal

Later in the evening, I got the loppers out and headed for this raspberry patch to cut out some of the wild blackberry vines that are growing up in the patch and lot wanted as they have real sharp  thorns.patch3


The ones with the sharp thorns are the blackberry ones I’m working on cutting out.vines4


Here’s a bunch more of the not wanted vines.vines5


You can see the big thorns on this one. My chicken’s don’t like them either, but the deer do. A deer got in the patch and ate on this one, but didn’t touch the raspberry vines.vine6

Nice day.

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One Response to Forest Work and Tackling Blackberry Vines in the Raspberry Patch

  1. Judith says:

    Steep and precipitous trail….at times. I would probably be a-scaired some places.
    Maybe I should try some blackberry vines now that I’m living in town. Haven’t got much sun here though. Yours really run rampant. I do love blackberries. OK. Stay safe riding up there.

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