Getting Away From Work Paddling Around Jenner

Wednesday September 10, 2019 Jenner CA.

Best way to get a day off is to go yakking

So that’s what I did, I went down to Jenner for a yak today around noon.

I put in at the visitor’s center boat ramp and started to go up river.upriver


But I changed my mind and turned around and headed down along Penny Island headed towards the river’s mouth at the ocean.river


Headed to the mouth

As I paddled towards it I could see the river’s mouth was open to the ocean.ocean


I could see birds down there on the water as I paddled closer.birdies


And lots of birds and seals on the sandy beach resting.mouth


Birds and seals

There were some brown pelicans and seagulls on the water resting.pels


And some harbor seals on the beach too.seals


Headed up river

I hung around the mouth area for a bit then started to paddle back up the river, up the back channel of Penny Island.

I’ve noticed some of these little birds on the water lately.birds


I paddled by these geese and a lot more of them as I went.geese


Sitting spot

I pulled in by some old redwood logs and sat and watched.sit


I could see a lot of birds across the river in front of me. Cormorants on the right and white pelicans on the left.corpels


White pelicans

Most of the pelicans were sleeping.pelicans


What’s that

I sat there for awhile taking it easy when something caught my eye just in front of me.deer


Swimming deer

I was surprised to see this deer swimming towards me. It had just crossed the river and was looking for a place to get to shore.deer1


I just happened to be in the best place to come ashore so it swam right in front of me and got out of the river just to my right.deer2


I paddled a short distance up the river before I called it a day and turned and started back towards the boat ramp.

Salmon are running

I pasted by these harbor seals. I could see they had a big fish and were eating it under the water but they hid it from me mostly and I didn’t get a picture. The salmon are running right now and if they can catch one to eat they do when they can. I saw several of them being eating today so the salmon are running nicely.seals2


I headed back to Jenner.jenner


And put the boat on the car  and drove on home stopping at the gas station in Guerneville to gas the car and get some gas for the weed mower and my quad runner.

Taking it easy

After a nap I went out in the yard and puttered with chicken stuff and did some chair hopping too. I had work to do but just didn’t feel like doing much of it.

That was my day for another nice one.

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2 Responses to Getting Away From Work Paddling Around Jenner

  1. Upriverdavid says:

    Ah…The life of Riley..remember that show?
    My neighbors are on a trip, they have a swell corn patch, they told me to make sure none go to waste…
    That’s what I did today!..The sweetest corn ever…

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Some great shots on your yak today! The water is so calm so lots happening. I love the blue ducks/birds whatever they are. Very different colouring.
    Seeing that deer swimming would be rare, i imagine. He had less fear of you than he had of the water. Great picture!

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