Getting Organized and Checking Out My New Chicken Coop and a Motorcycle Ride

Friday April 13, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Hanging around the house

I needed to hung around the house today as Fedx was delivering a new credit card I had to be around to sign for.

The sun was out nice so I started the day by putting a coat of paint on  my privacy fence I put up the other day.

It looks much better with some paint on it.fence


Started the old Toyota and  moved it

Next I started up my old Toyota and backed it out of  my work area where I need to weld up rebar. It doesn’t have brakes, but the emergency brake works good enough to stop it. I ran the engine some and eventually I found the old radiator cap which I knew was broken started to leak so I turned the engine off and covered the machine back up while I wait for some parts to come in.toyota2


Work area

Here’s my work area where I moved the Toyota out of. I’m set to start welding up some rebar now.workarea


I also put my van back in the carport and set it up for replacing the front shocks, but I didn’t feel like installing them today.

I heard the FedX guy out at my gate so I went out and picked up my new credit card so now I didn’t  have to hang around the house any more.

Where to put the chicken coop

I did some planning in this area for my chicken coop and yard, but I’m not sure what I want yet, that’s why the planning. The logs represent my chicken coop sorta.layout


Need two chicken yards

While doing the planning I realized I need two chicken yards as I need to raise a lot of the feed for them as I do not want any corn in my chicken feed so the more food I can grow for the chickens the better. Two yards would give me the option of keeping the chickens out of one yard until whatever I plant has time to grow.

Measuring the chicken coup

After a break I grabbed my tape measure and walked over to our family property and got my brother’s Honda 230 dirt bike out for a ride.bike5


I took off up this trail.trail6


New chicken house

And stopped at where I’m scrounging my new chicken house to take some measurements and do some figuring. I plan to install skids on it to move it to my house.shed7


A motorcycle ride

Once the work was taken care off I was off for a motorcycle ride up to the ridge top that overlooks the town of Guerneville.guerneville9


While I was there my brother Tom rode up on his motorcycle.tophill


So we went off for a motorcycle ride. It’s not easy to take pictures while riding a motorcycle through the forest, but when this tree across the road stopped us, I could.trees10


We ran into my cousin who was out walking with her dogs so we shot the bull for a bit. She just returned from an interesting trip to Cuba.cuaz11


We continued on riding around on the roads. We had to stop and move some stuff to get through this spot.treedown12


Some spring work

We rode by one of my brother’s garden springs which he said he wasn’t getting any water from so we stopped to fix it.springwork13


I walked up to where the spring was coming out of the ground and cleaned out the intake pipe and now water is flowing to fill his water tank.spring14


From there we headed down the hill and I put  my brother’s bike away in the garage and walked on home.

It was a nice evening and I still had a bit of light left so I chair hopped for the rest of the day as I was too tired to do much else.

That was my day.

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