Helping Neighbors With Their Road Problems

Sunday April 28, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Skiddy work day

I’d told my cousin that I would do some work on her eroding driveway, so today was the day. Her driveway needed to have some small ditches to drain the water off it to keep it from getting washed out.

Heading up into the forest

I took off up the hill on this road headed for  my cousin’s place.road1

Their house is at the top of the hill, so I took this road to their place, just up ahead.road2


The driveway starts down the hill here to the right.driveway3

I had my cousin go ahead of me and make sure I didn’t tear their main water pipe out of the ground as I ditched the road.cousin4

That didn’t take too long and we missed the water pipes, which was helpful.

Turn around area

I had one other thing to do which was to get the water to drain in the other direction at this big turn around spot. It was sloped towards the down hill road and washing the main road out for all the neighbors. My goal was to make it slope away from the downhill road so the water wouldn’t go down that way. Once the water started down the road at the top, it would cause washout problems all the way down the road and into the state park.

I just finished the job and it was five O’clock, so time to head for home at the bottom of the hill. I’ll be working more on this road as it’s been a real problem for years and the state park guys aren’t happy with all the sediment it’s been washing into the park.repair5

Bumper works

When I got out to lock the gate at the bottom, I noticed there was a good scar on the right side of the new bumper. It took the paint off, but all was good and the bumper is doing what I built it to do. I seem to remember backing into a big stump that stopped the machine abruptly.bumper

Nice day.

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One Response to Helping Neighbors With Their Road Problems

  1. Judith says:

    Now you can tell the bumper is a working piece of equipment and not just for show.

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