Home, Puttering Around the Yard and Taking It Easy

Friday June 30, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Puttering around the yard

I was looking around the yard to see how things were doing while I was away for a month.

Lots of stuff needed some water. I put some on my citrus trees and my mulberry tree to start.

Two citrus trees get some water.water


Coffee plants

Then I had a look at my two new coffee plants that don’t seem to be growing. I gave them each a shot of fertilizer and then put the water on them and after gave them another shot of fertilizer. Hope that helps get them growing.coffee


I unloaded some of the stuff from the van that needed to be taken out as I needed to use some of the stuff.

Chair hopping

I did a lot of that today and had a good nap in the afternoon. I need to get readjusted to home life after a month out in the forest.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Home, Puttering Around the Yard and Taking It Easy

  1. Deb says:

    Welcome home!! It looked like a wonderful time and I’m sure you and Marty had enjoyed the time away. There really is no place like home or at least familiar home dirt!!!

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Glad you had a good trip and arrived home safely.
    The plants will come back with your tlc.

  3. Nancy K says:

    I’m in the same boat. Everything is dying, so it’s a mad rush to get them green again. Enjoy your cooler weather!!

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