Hose Repair and Replanting the Chicken Grow Pen, Peeps Help

Friday June 2, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Darn leaky hose

I’d hooked up the hose to the other hose that waters some fruit trees and it appeared that the female  hose connection was leaking a bit. So I got some hose washers thinking that was it and replaced the old one but no that didn’t help either. So I got a new female connector and installed that but the leak just got worse.leaky


So I put my glasses on and had another look at things and fount the male connector had a crack in the top thread so  I found a replacement and cut the old one off and repaired it. See the crack in the threads?crack


I was looking at the chicks overgrown feed pen and decided to remake it so I pulled the tall weeds and set up the grow panel. I also installed that log to push the wire roof up a bit more for more head room.pen


Turning dirt and my helpers show up

After taking a break I got the shovel out and removed the grow panel and turned the dirt over a couple of times. It didn’t take long for the chicks to get in there to find things to eat.shoveled


I was going to plant some seeds in there but realized I won’t be able to do that with the chicks in there so I’d have to wait until just before dark when they went in for the night. So they work the soil for me and  I waited.chicks


Fertilizing woodchip  mulch

I use a lot of woodchips on my garden and so they use up a lot of the nitrogen in their decaying process so I’ve been doing more fertilizing lately and it seems to help a lot from observing the effects on the plants.

Today I used the sprinkler can to apply the fertilizer to my blueberry plants.food


I watered around each blueberry plant with the fertilizer.patch


And then I turned on the overhead sprinkler to water the fertilizer in.water


I checked on the chicks and they’d let up a little on my seed bed but where soon back in it.peeps



So I chair hopped away the evening . I did get the grow panel planted just before dark and watered that too.
For seeds I used some old ones from the vegetable garden. Lettuce and beets and stuff.

Nice day.

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