I Finally Made it to Jarbidge, NV.

Monday July 29, 2013 Jarbidge, NV. area

It’s been over ten years since I was last here

Note: I just posted quite a few posts from my adventure to the Jarbidge area. You may want to go to the bottom of this page and hit older posts until you get to the oldest and start reading from there? Then just hit newer posts at the bottom of each page until you get caught up.

Let’s see, where did the day start out? I was at the Jones ranch this morning when I got up. I decided to try my new oven on bread sticks again, so I put the oven outside and used the dough I made a couple days ago on a sheet and used my Chinese clever to cut it into sticks.

I baked it more carefully this time. The built in oven temperature gauge is reading wrong I think. It’s reading way low.

This is my camp at the Jones ranch with my oven outside for baking.jonescamp7


These are the bread sticks after I baked them, just letting them cool. They turned out good, I ate a few and nibbled on more though out the day.breadsticks


I broke camp and was on the road early headed for the Diamond A ranch first to see if Kevin was still running the place? Below is part of the road on the way to the ranch which is on the way to the town of Jarbidge.roadeast

An old cabin on the way.cabin

A big bull resting in his pasture.bull


When I checked at the Diamond A ranch Kevin had left four years ago, so I took a short cut road to Jarbidge from the ranch. Near the end of the short cut road, after about five miles there was this big sign in the road.roadclosed


I was trying to get from up here to down there, the road to Jarbidge.downroad

I turned around and back tracked the five miles and headed to Jarbidge on the regular road in, which  winds along the Jarbidge river.jarbidgeroad


I was hoping their dump was still there as I had a bunch of stuff to dump off and it still was, so I pulled in. That’s the local helipad to the rear of the van.



Not far now and I was in the town of Jarbidge. I drove though and looked around, then stopped and asked if there was any public internet access in town. Not really. A lady did offer to let me do my email, but I had a lot more to do, so  I declined, but thanked her for her kind offer.

Main street Jarbidge. There were quite a few beefy jeeps in town too, the town is full of retirees.



I stopped by the little store where a guy by the name of Ray and his wife used to run it and Ray was still there, but not his wife, so I shot the bull with him for just a bit and told him about the Wilderness road closure signs I ran into the other day and his eye brows shot up. What?………. See,………. Jarbidge is known for standing up to the Fed road closers, they don’t like them. They didn’t know about this one as it was real recent and out in the boonies. I bet those signs somehow disappear out there by the side of the road. :O)

Another main street shot of Jarbidge. Nice quiet little town.jarbidge


I thought about going to Twin Falls, ID. for gas and internet and some shopping, but it’s not really in the direction I wanted to go. I had enough gas and food, so I decided to go back to the lake at the town of Owyhee on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. They had free internet, not free gas  and a decent store to shop, so it seemed the way to go.

So, I didn’t stay in the town of Jarbidge long and left town the way I came in. I don’t really come to the Jarbidge area to see Jarbidge, it’s the surrounding area that I like.

This is a picture of the Jarbidge river just out of town at a place I stopped for a break on the way out.



The view on the road out is better then coming in. View on the Jarbidge Road going out. There is a better view of all the big rocks.jarbidgeroadout


One more of the Jarbidge road views going out.roadout1


I returned to the Bruneau river the way I came and headed back for Rowland, NV. I was going to take this road over to Owyhee, as it looked like it would take you there and I had never been that way before.

This old mining mill equipment was a place I stopped to check out. Looked like they were doing gold quartz? This looks like a processing mill. There were some mines on the upper hill there that I did not check out, as they were a ways away.mill


This road goes though a lot of high desert sage brush. I think the Sun Flower Flat road is a better maintained road then this one and more scenic too.

I traveled lots of roads like this today, medium washboard, long and dry.grasmereroad


I did cross a couple of creeks along the way, like this one. There is some water out here in places.



I came to highway fifty one at Grasmere, which was totally shut down, I mean Grasmere, not the highway.  I looked the place over then headed toward Owyhee to the lake.

But first I stopped at the Grasmere Lake to check it out. It was mostly for fishing and irrigation. It had steep banks and the lake was not to my liking for kayaking.

There was this tractor parked out there which looked interesting.

It was being used to supply power to the pump. that’s a big white drive belt driving a pump. It has a cable tied to the back of it so you can adjust the belt tension. Neat.



This is the welcome sign at Mountain View Lake entrance.lakesign


I pulled in and made camp. I’d been here a few days ago so I just went back to my old spot. There is no fee area in this place, by the way.

I was tired, so I rested up and took it easy and ate some more bread sticks. They really turned out pretty good.



Tomorrow, Tuesday, I plan to go to Owyhee and publish all the back days of my adventure.

Another nice day.

OK, I’m in Owyhee, NV. at the high school computer lab building publishing my posts. Next posts will likely come from Winnemucca, NV in a couple or so days from now. I plan to do a  little exploring on the way there and may take one or two nights before getting to Winnemucca. I’ll be headed by the Willow Creek Reservoir route to highway eighty west.

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