I’m Headed for the Jarbidge River Access Point,………… But?

Sunday July 28, 2013 Jones Ranch, Jarbidge, NV.

It looks like I’m not going to make it into the canyon

I decided to head for the Jones Ranch this morning after getting up and slowly getting going. First, I drove down the valley I came in on a couple miles and checked that out, then I found the road east I was looking for and took off on it, slowly, stopping often to check things out. Lots of borrows in the ground in this area, although, most of them are not occupied. Likely a borrow lasts many years here in the desert and gets used over and over again off and on depending the food supply.

This picture is where I stopped to check out the meadow and valley just below my Bearpaw camp this morning on the way out.vanbreak


The road out was a little rough in spots. Here I’m stopped to check out to see if I can get across the green drainage ditch without getting stuck. Nobody to get me unstuck out here except me, so I try to be careful most of the time. :O) I made it though ok.vancross


Some antelope I spotted off at a distance and they took off fast before I got very close to them.



Just me cruising down the road headed for the Jones ranch.vanview


This is the newish sign to me on the road entering the Jones ranch. Signs in the desert, usually mean bad things, government activity.sign


I was headed to the Jarbidge river access spot I know about and I was hoping to go down to the river in this section for a hike tomorrow……but.

A couple of these gates to go though, this is when I miss a co-pilot.gate


I went out the the Cowan homestead area where I took a break before turning off just past there for the road I wanted. The road wasn’t a well traveled one, which I expected.

This is part of the road to the river canyon.road


After traveling about five miles down that road and only a mile or so to it’s end, I ran into these two posts, darn. They say stop, no can go, wilderness area, road closed. Darn Again. This is already a wilderness, they sure didn’t need to close the road to make it one. Oh, well, things are what they are, now what?roadclosed


Turn around, of course and head back to the Jones ranch to camp as there is a fairly nice one there, at least there used to be?

Here I’m at the Jones ranch camp. I made it and I was pooped out. Today was a dusty ride as the wind was being blown in the direction I was traveling, so it the dust just kept me in a cloud most of the time.jonescamp

Now, I have to rethink what I’m going to do. I need to go out soon and get gas and post some posts. I want to at least drive into the town of Jarbidge to see what condition it is in with the bad economy we are having. I’ll figure it all out tonight and tomorrow.

Had a nice, but dusty day.

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