I Got Crowned and We Kayaked Jenner Today

Wednesday July 17, 2013 Jenner, CA.

I started out the day going to my dentist to get a crown installed. It went smoothly and I was out of there by noon. Good to get that out of the way, now I can get on with my next adventure in a couple days.

Some friends, Bryce and Joe were waiting for me when I got back to my house to go kayaking at Jenner. We got all the boats loaded on my car and were on our way.

When we arrived at Jenner, there was a little high fog and a mild breeze on the river, with a mild temperature.

After parking the cars, we put the boats in the water,  and headed across the river toward Penny Island. I usually stop there for a bit, but the breeze was blowing so we headed on up the river on the south shore line. We continued up to Eagle’s landing where we crossed over to Paddy’s rock and went to shore there for a bit.

That’s a piece of Paddy’s rock where we landed a bit for a break on the way up the river.paddysrock


We shared this little island with some geese, Jenner is in the back ground. The reddish stuff is weeds that broke loose and floated onto the island when the water was higher during the river’s mouth being closed.geese


We only stayed a short time before crossing back to the south side of the river and continuing on up the river.

This is the river view we had just below Seal haven, looking up the river. Nice.riverview


There were four seals on logs at Seal Haven as we approached. You can see three of them below and actually you can see just a small part of the other one, behind the log on the right. I’ll show you his picture in a bit.seals


Look at the claws on this guy.seal1


A snowy egret flow in and landed near us with some mergansers and some mallards.egret


We continued up just a bit more to Goose Nest island were we went to shore for another little break. Bryce and Joe walking back to the boats, looking down river.gooseisland


So we had to go by the seals again. This is the one behind the log. A big fat ol one. It’s one of the main ones that hang out in this area.fatseal


It did look up as I approached and went on by, ,but it was,……………… hey, I just wanta rest, don’t bother me.fatseal2


There were also a couple great blue herons just below the seals . Not often you can get two of them in the same picture.



We headed back down the river to Penny Island were we went ashore and I showed them around the tourist part of it.

Below is where we put ashore on Penny Island, looking down river on the backside.island


This is the old milk barn, looking though some gnarly old eucalyptus trees on the east end of Penney Island.islandbarn


After a short time we put the boats back in the water and went around the east end and back to the visitor’s center launch ramp where we took our boats out of the water and went on home for the day.

Another nice day.

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