Installing the Roof and Side Panels On the Garden Enclosure

Tuesday March 28, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Putting wire in the panels

I could see it was going to be another windy day down at Jenner today. It was breezy out when I went outside this morning  so I elected to stay home again and do some more work on the garden enclosure.

I started off installing the chicken wire on the other two roof panels which I’m doing here.panelwired


These are the last two roof panels I have just  installed the wire on the rebar.panel


Roof panels are up

Once I had the wire installed I installed the last two roof panels on the enclosure so now all the roof is up. Once the rook panels were all up, the enclosure stiffened up nicely. I wired all the panels together with wire.roof


And all the side panels are up

After a short break I put wire in two of the side panels and installed them. The side panels are hinged with wire at the top so that the bottoms can be lifted to open them up. The last one I installed is open on the little step stool showing how they open.sidepanels


My back says quit

That took most of the day and I was warn out and decided that was enough work for the day and the ol back was letting me know it had had enough.

This is what the garden enclosure looks like at this point. I still need to enclose both ends, so there’s still a bit of work to do, but it’s starting to shape up.enclosure


I spent the rest of the day warn out in my chair sitting in the yard just enjoying the day.

I went in just before dark and that was my day.

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One Response to Installing the Roof and Side Panels On the Garden Enclosure

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Looking good and the weather seems to be in your favour, Bob.

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