Jenner Got Foggy Today

Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2013, Jenner, CA.

Kayaking Jenner in the fog

It looked like the wind was going to be down today, so off I went to Jenner this morning to kayak. I got there around eleven am and put my boat in the water. It was a little cloudy, with some sun shinning though, but fog was threatening to come in. I paddled across the river to Penny Island and waited for Steve to get his boat in the water, as while I was crossing his car pulled in to the visitor’s center.

A young eagle on the island.

When he joined me at the island we headed up the river. He said, there’s a buzzard sitting on that stump on the island. I looked and knew it wasn’t a buzzard, too big. I took some pictures of it and it flew up the river after awhile, so we continued up the river some more.

The pictures below show the young bald eagle we saw on the stump on Penny island.



Another picture of the young bald eagle below.




Now,……………… Steve says an eagle is chasing a buzzard off to the south. I look and that’s not a buzzard, but another young eagle and a mature one with it also. They landed in some big trees to the south and we continued on up the river.


The hills were scenic.

We continued up the river to the eagles landing area. Across the river an up in the grassy hills there were wild flowers and horses and cattle to be seen.

Below you can see how nice the hill side looked across the river from us.



We continued going up the river, almost to the bridge before turning back down the river. We were taking our time, just enjoying the day.

Another eagle flew over head and I heard some wild turkeys across the river from us. When I looked, they were all taking cover from the eagle. Once it flew past, they all came out in the field to feed, as you can see in the picture below.




Fog was rolling in.

At this point, the fog was really starting to come in. It covered the town of Jenner and moved in fairly thick for the rest of the day.

Below you can see the fog coming in covering the town of Jenner as we paddled down the river.



More fog on Jenner as you can see in the pic below.




As we approached Penny island, there were some Terns on the ground I was able to get a picture of, as you can see below.



Too shallow to paddle.

We paddled down the back side of the island, but had to turn back as it was too shallow for the boats to get though because of low tide. We paddled to the other side of the island and headed down toward the rivers mouth area.

Looking back up the river from the river’s mouth, you can see it was a bit on the foggy side. Eventually, the fog came down even more than what the picture shows.



There were a couple big sea lions in the water, not too active, seemed to be taking it easy like us.

Below, you can see one of these sea lions in the water.



We stayed at the river’s mouth for an hour or so, then headed back up to the visitor’s center where we took our boats off the water around 5:30 pm.

Had a nice day kayaking.

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