Spring Rains and Some Shopping

Thursday, Apr. 4, 2013, Guerneville, CA.

It was raining hard when I woke up this morning

Yes it was, I woke around six am, but didn’t’ get up. It was raining fairly hard, but I went back to sleep anyway.

Since it was raining, no need to get up too early, so I didn’t. :O) My plan for the day was to start the sign up process for a new Dentist and do some shopping in Santa Rosa. I headed out, crossed the bridge on the river and headed for Forestville, where the new dentist was located. I was almost to Forestville when there was a bunch of red flares on the road, Darn, a big tree had just fallen over the road blocking it good. I had to turn around and go back to Guerneville and start over.

A new dentist was in the making.

I made it to the Dentist’s office, went in and made some appointments for the Dentist and the hygienist.

I really only wanted to see the hygienist, but it was required to see the dentist first. They gave me some papers to fill out and mail back so I was set.

Forgot to get my portable BBQ.

One of the things I wanted to get was a little portable BBQ grill to use in my van, but forgot, darn.

I also wanted to check out the propane stoves with ovens for camping at Costco. They’ve replaced the old model with a new one that is red and has a griddle that fits over the top of it all. I wasn’t sure it was the same size as the old one, I was afraid it might be a bit bigger, so I’ll get some measurements of my old one and go back and check that out. I could use the oven to bake bread while on the road, that’s why I’m checking this one out. Last year I bought one of these, but didn’t like the height, so cut the oven part out. But now, I think I need an oven so I need to buy another one. If the size is the same, I’ll buy one and get it mounted in my van.

I did find some corn free Mayo.

One of the things I’ve needed for awhile is some mayo that doesn’t have corn stuff in it. I did find some with apple cider vinegar in it at Trader Joes that I hope will work, if I can stand it. I’m one of those people that says, the only real mayo is Best Foods, but alas, it has vinegar made from corn in it, so I’ve had to give it up. I haven’t used any mayo for about six months now and I’m really missing it.

Nap pity nap.

I did the rest of the shopping, got lots to eat, hopefully without corn and made it home with no problems. It was still raining lightly when I got home, so I put the stuff away. Since it was still raining lightly outside there was nothing to do but take a nap. :O)

Nice spring rainy day.

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