Joining Barry On a Dirt Bike Ride Up in the Hills

Friday October 23, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Dirt bike ride

When I got it going today and went outside I found my brother Barry unloading his dirt bike.

It didn’t take long to gas up my dirt bike and join him on a dirt bike ride up in the hills.

We rode on out my front gate and headed up into the hillsgate


Checking things out

We stopped to check out a couple of roads and got a little walking in.road


Another place we stopped to check out.road2


We were checking out this area when his phone rang. Someone trying to sell him


From there we took off with Barry pulling ahead headed to the Top of the World for a break.barry


Top of the World

When I caught up with Barry he was already resting on the ground for a break at the Top of the


Our view

This is the view from there looking southwest over the hill tops.view


After a good break there we took off headed for home.  We rode on by this long dead deer. Critters have been nibbling on it’s horns.deer


Barry took off for home and I had a nap. A bit later I went out in the yard and puttered around looking at future projects in the yard that I need to do eventually. Of course the chickens kept  me company.

Outside camera

One thing I did was move one of my outside cameras to the creek that goes by the back of my house. The creek is a good place for wild animals to get around the neighborhood and my brother Tom saw a coyote in it a few days ago so I thought I monitor the creek and see just what might be going through it at night.

Before I knew it the day was done. Another fine Fall day.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Joining Barry On a Dirt Bike Ride Up in the Hills

  1. Nancy K says:

    Totally love those game cameras!! It’s exciting to check them every morning.

  2. Patsy says:

    Nice trail ride to the top of the world!

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