Joining Gaelyn In the Kofa

Sunday March 6, 2022 Kofa Arizona


Headed to the Kofa

I woke up in Quartzsite this morning and it was nice as the wind was down. It’s been real gusty.

Food stuff

I cooked up some stuff to eat first


Headed out

Then I hung around Patti and Marty’s place until about noon and then went over to fill my water containers and gas up the rig.

It was about a half hour ride down 95 from Quartzsite to the turn off for the Kofa, Palm Canyon road.

I was looking for Geogypsy. She’s in my sidebar, if you want to visit her blog. She was camped somewhere along the road so I drove up it looking for her rig. I spotted her truck but had a hard time finding the road to get to it. I gave her a call and after a couple  more tries found the road to her rig and I parked the van here.



Here’s her blog.


We sat around most of the afternoon shooting the bull. She’s quite the yakker. :O)gaelyn4


Camp view

We had a view of the Kofa Mountains in front of us. We plan to four wheel into them tomorrow.kofa3


Signal peak

The highest peak in this photo I took  just before dark is called Signal Peak and I’ve hiked up to it from the trail on the backside last time I was down here.signalpeak


Little fox

Just before dark this little fox came over from her truck and stopped by my van to check me out. I think it was looking for a


It’s dark now and I’m in for the night working on my blog.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Joining Gaelyn In the Kofa

  1. Gaelyn says:

    Welcome to Kofa. I would say we’re both yakers. Definitely a kit fox. Nice shot of it. Hope it returns for me to see.

  2. Patritia I Richards says:

    Glad you enjoyed the visit with Marty and Patti and then found Gaelyn.
    Have fun on the trails.
    What a sweet little fox with such a beautiful tail!!!

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