Kayak, Monte Rio to Cassini’s and Back

Decided to kayak Monte Rio today.

Yes, it’s a nice fall day and this seemed like a good thing to do today. I got started around noon. No one was down there, but me, which isn’t a complaint. When I arrive at the launch ramp, there were the usual ducks to greet me, hoping I had some food for them, but I didn’t.

Below is what the river looked like today, just down the from the launch site about a half mile or so.




This male Great Blue Heron was fishing.



And this Green Heron was also fishing along the shore line on the way down.



The below picture is what it looked like looking out from the hole at Villa Grande.



The Snowy Egret often fishes with the otters. He’ll move along just ahead of them while they are hunting and hopefully pick off some of the little fish the otters scare up. The otters are trying to sneak by me in this picture.



I spent an hour or two sitting here at the Cassini’s ripple watching for big fish and things. I heard and saw a couple ripples while I was there that might have been fish? Since I didn’t’ see any ducks surface, I think the ripple where big fish. I heard and saw a ripple about three times while I was down there.



This one below is a picture of Rian’s Beach area on the way back up the river. A real beautiful spot on the river.



The below photo is another river view just about Villa Grande, looking toward Monte Rio, which is at the base of he hill in the back ground.



The snowy egret below, flew down and landed within ten feet of me and did some fishing and left.

snowy egret


This wood duck pair surprised me by staying around for me to get a good shot of them.



And this last one is of the Monte Rio Bridge and launch area on the left.


It was a good day, I got home around six PM and took a nap.

Another great day on the river.

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