Kayaked Jenner and Puttered in the Yard

Thursday August 8, 2013 Jenner, CA.

I headed down to Jenner today and was on the water around eleven A.M. It was a bit on the cool side with a light breeze. I didn’t seem to have much energy today, so I crossed over to Penny Island and headed on down towards the river’s mouth.

There were quite a few birds on the west end of Penny Island. Mostly seagulls and terns, but as I was passing some white pelicans flew in and landed.

This is a picture of the birds taking it easy on the west end of Penny Island, as I passed. The pelicans were just landing.birds


White pelicans landing on the west end of Penny Island.birds2


They mostly take a bath and preen themselves.pelican


Another picture of these big guys.pelican2


I continued on down to the rivers mouth where I sat around for awhile before heading back.

This picture is looking out the river’s mouth today. Some seals beached to the left.rivermouth


And looking back up the river from the river’s mouth area. Some high fog and clouds made the day a cool one.upview


Like I said, I felt fairly tired today, so I only stayed a couple of hours before pulling out and heading for home. I had a nap and something to eat and another nap. :O)

I set a sprinkler to water some cherry trees and then looked at what I need to do to make a new air cleaner  bracket for the one that broke on my van on the last trip. I think I have an idea of what to make.

And I took the propane stove out with an oven and replaced it with a stove that had no oven. I liked the idea of having an oven in the van, but it made the stove too high in the van to cook on, without a pain.

I did a couple other little chores in the yard and that was about it for the day.

A nice slow day.

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