Kayaking Jenner Beats Working in the Yard

Friday, Apr. 12, 2013, Jenner, CA.

Taking the day off, kayaking Jenner

Since I worked in the yard yesterday on various projects, I thought today would be a good day to go down to Jenner and kayak, wind or no wind. :O)

I was up rather late this morning after ten AM. I made a couple tortillas and then headed for Jenner around twelve. The weatherman said it was a bit windy, but to my surprise, the wind was still down when I got there. The sun was out too, with just a light water haze in the sky. My boat was in the water by 12:30 and I was off across the river to Penny Island. I usually spend some time just sitting there, but today I continued up the river to the Eagles Landing area, where I put ashore for a couple hours exploring around. I also call this area Poison Oak Alley, so one has to be careful.

Below, you can see my kayak if you look carefully. This is the place I put ashore for a couple hours and explored around. I also call this area, Eagle’s Landing.



Across the river from where I put ashore, the bovinasourus where laying down and taking it easy. The hills are all nice and green.

Do you see those two lucky horses?

The two horses in the picture, up on the hill by the flowers have it made. They will likely live their lives out here, but the bovines will all end up at the market.

Those horses can be seen in the picture below if you look close, at the top of the hill, in the flowers,……… can you see them?



For those of you who could use some help seeing them, below is a close up shot. These two horses hang out in that area most of the time.



Below is the view up river from the spot I pulled to shore. Nice day.



While I was on the shore, the wind picked up some, as I thought it might. I put the boat back in the water and headed back down the river.

Green Heron

As I was cruising along, this bird flow out from the shoreline and then back into the brush area just ahead of me.

In the picture below, you can see this bird.



It would fly out as I came by and land just ahead of me, begging me to try and get a picture of it.

Below is another picture of this bird.



Below is a picture of the same bird, with it’s neck extended. This bird is called a Green Heron, I believe.



Continuing on down the river, I stopped at a log in the water and took the picture below of Jenner, with all the greened up hills.



I went down the backside of Penny Island where I noticed the wind was picking up some more. I stopped in a slot to get out of the wind and take it easy for awhile.

Below, you can see the wind has picked up, from my vantage point in the slot. The white birds in the picture are sitting on the west end of Penny Island.



From the slot I was sitting in, the shortest route back to the take out at the visitor’s center was to go around the west end of Penny Island, so that’s what I did. The wind was really up now, and there were lots of white caps.

The picture below is of my yak going around the west end of Penny Island in the white caps. Interesting enough, these while caps where mostly only in this area, as when I headed back from this point the wind decreased a lot. At any rate, the wind pushed me rather rapidly back to the visitor’s center take out.



From here, I went home and thought about fixing the lawn mower after a nap. The nap happened, but the fixing the lawn mower didn’t. :O)


Making good tortillas.

Speaking of making tortillas earlier. I’ve been working on making some better ones that actually taste good, even delicious. I gave up trying to make them round, that’s of no matter. This batch I added some bacon drippings, which added a nice flavor.

I just made the two below just a bit ago and they are gone, nice when they are still warm. They go down easy.



Had a nice day.

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