Wednesday January 9, 2019 Guerneville CA.
Sink drain repairs to start off
With showers predicted on and off all day I thought it would be a good time to get the kitchen sink drain pipes repaired so a trip to the local hardware store was in order. They had what I wanted so I was back home working on it shortly.
Here’s one of the drains seated in the sealing putty which I will peal off shortly, the excess putty I mean.
Different type drain
I didn’t like the old type drain with the big nut that cracked as they are hard to tighten down with what tools I have so I got this style instead which is much easier to tighten down to seat the putty up top.
Another leak and the test
Once that side was done I took off the other side as it had been leaking for a long time and was a mess. I cleaned it up and applied a new seal ring, adjusted and tightened everything up and gave it all the water test.
Need some paint
No leaks but I’m not finished yet as the water that was leaking for a long time messed up the inside of the cabinet so I will need to get some paint to fix it up so I left all the stuff out of there for now so it can dry up until I get some paint.
Pretty nice outside
That was enough inside work for now as it wasn’t raining much outside where it was a nice day with an occasional light shower.
I let the chickens out to graze early and sat down and figured out what I needed for another gate, this one ten feet long.
Cut up the rebar and welded it up into a gate
Once I had it figured out, I got some rebar together and cut it up for the gate.
After a break I welded the rebar together and added a couple hinges and now it’s a gate. Now I need to install the gate but first I have to dig the hole, but first I have to punch a hole through the asphalt where I want to install it. One thing leads to another.
Here’s the new gate getting welded up.
Joined the chickens
Once the gate was welded up I joined the chickens. I sat around and watched them do their thing. They seem to gather around wherever I sit. I think they don’t want to miss any goodies as I’m the goodie guy.
That was it for me today for another nice one.