Long Day Going West To the Pacific Ocean In Oregon

Friday October 2, 2021 Oregon Trip

Travel day

We had a long way to go today. I was going clear across Oregon to Port Orford and Marty was going most of the way then splitting off for home on his own.

But first we had to get across the lower part of Oregon.

Good gravel road

We left our nice peaceful campsite at the shallow lakes and got going around 9:30 on this gravel road which was mostly pretty good with very little washboard.road1


Eventually we made it to a paved road and went through this little town.town2


And by this place too.place3



We traveled I-140 mostly, going to Lake View to gas and continuing west for most of the day.

Bearings and lunch

We were almost to I-5 here when we stopped to get our bearings and have some lunch.lunch4


Looking for a road

Marty left me for home near when we hit Highway 5 and I continued on to find a road over the coastal hills to get to Port Orford without going way south or way north.

I’d been on a road going over the mountains several years ago but couldn’t remember which one or where it was.

Agness road

So I decided to take the road to Agness which was paved more or less. It turned out to be 58 slow miles. Narrow with lots of construction going on fixing the pavement. More turns on that road than any I’ve ever been on. The gravel road I travelled several years ago was much better.

This is the road as I started up it and was too busy driving to take any more photos along the way.road5


Should have camped

It was getting late when I thought about camping for the night and I should have but I continued on that road and arrived around 9PM where I was to stay at Rene’s place at Port Orford.

Finding Rene’s place

It was dark and I had a hard time seeing the road to his place as it was a steep one and I couldn’t remember the name or where it was off the main road as it was too dark to see much so I went the short distance to Port Orford and found the road on my GPS and programmed it in so I could find it in the dark.

That worked and I made it to his place where I said hi and settled in my van for the night.

A long day for sure.

Nice to be here.

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