A Restful Day In Port Orford Oregon

Saturday October 2, 2021 Port Orford Oregon

Rest day

I had a peaceful night in Rene’s yard last night.camp1


Today I got a slow start as I think I drove too  much yesterday and it’s catching up with me.

Port Orford Harbor

Around noon I drove on down to the Port Orford Harbor to have a look around.

Being Saturday not much was happening with the fishing boats.port2


Ocean’s calm

The ocean was real calm today so some smaller boats were putting into the water by the big crane.lift3


Looking south

The ocean was so calm there were two sail boats anchored in the harbor which I hadn’t seen before as the ocean is usually pretty rough in this area.jetty4


I stayed in this spot for a couple hours before heading to the library to so some internet stuff.van5


Blog work

I wasn’t sure I could get internet at the library on a Saturday as it was closed but it worked so I wrote a blog and got it posted.

Resting up

Then I went back to Rene’s for a nap and to take it easy until about six PM.

Sunset time

I drove on back to the harbor to see if there was going to be a sunset.

This was as I drive on down to the harbor from town in the evening.harbor6


The fish and chips café looks interesting.cafe7


And this was looking back towards the town of  Port Orford.town8


The sun set but the sky was clear so no real show.

Nice day resting up.

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