Lots of Biologists in the Russian River Estuary This Summer

Tuesday June 3, 2014 Jenner CA.

I put the last coat of polyurethane on my van boards this morning and left them out to dry in the sun.

Then, off to Jenner to kayak for a bit today.

As I paddled across the river to Penny Island this heron took off in front of me.heron


Lots of biologists around this year

I noticed a new biologist’s boat in the water today taking some kind of samples, so I went on over and asked what kind of samples they were taking?biologistboat


What the fish eat?

One of them said they were taking samples to see what kinds of bugs and critters were in the estuary for the small steelhead to eat. He said they were taking samples in the gravel on the bottom down to four and a half inches and also sampling the water just off the bottom of the river. They are doing this in conjunction with the other biologists that are tracking the small steelhead in the estuary. Some of them are also catching small fish and flushing their stomachs to see what they are eating.

Sounds like a good idea to me. They were very busy and didn’t have much time to talk, so I thanked them for the info and continued on up the river.

When I looked back two more biologists showed up on the shoreline and I think their job was to take bug and critter samples along the shoreline.biologists


As I continued on up the river along the shoreline, I passed this momma mallard duck with her little onesducks


I paddled up to here before turning around and starting back today.upview


Loading up the ol van

I got off the water early today, about one PM so I could go home and get things ready for my up coming trip.

When I got home, I loaded a bunch of stuff in the van and checked this and that.

A little walk

I then took a walk over to my brother Tom’s garden through these woods.forest


I was headed for his strawberry patch to eat a few berries, but on the way there I passed his lettuce patch so picked up some mixed greens for dinner.garden


Then I ate some strawberries and went on home to pack the last stuff.berries


My trip

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for the north eastern part of Nevada. Internet will be spotty so there will be times I might not post for a few days or a week depending what I can find as I explore. My next posts will likely be from the Duck Valley Indian Reservation if they still have internet for the public?

I’m not sure how long I’ll be out or where exactly I’ll be going? To find out,  you’ll just have to follow along.

I’ll gas up tonight and do a little last minute shopping and be off in the morning, not bright and early, either. :O)

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