Saturday November 14, 2015 Guerneville CA.
Today was the day I decided I was going to get the creek crossing for our main water line hooked up. I thought it would take a couple hours, but I was wrong about that.
I got started on it just before noon after the sun warmed up the working spot a bit. I wheeled my tools and supplies over with a wheel barrel. First I had to tell my Aunt that her water would be off, then I got started.
The main pipe is a 2 inch PVC pipe with black foam insulation with a white plastic pipe to hold it all and keep the sun off it. All I had to do was hook up each end and make sure everything was insulated for the cold as I’d installed most of the pipe crossing earlier. But that took a lot longer than I though, all day. It was three PM when I crossed my fingers and turned the water back on to test out all the confections. Fortunately they all held as I applied water and brought the pressure up.
No leaks
I could finish insulating now that I knew all the new joints were not leaking.
Here’s the finished pipe crossing. The white one is our main pipe and the other black one will carry water to one of my brother’s gardens.
I spent a lot of time picking up my tools and scraps and the sun went behind the mountain way before I got it done. About five PM I was back home sitting in my chair resting away.
My back was hurting some and I was tired out, but it was nice to have that part of the job complete and ready for winter.