Replacing Old Pipes and Wiping My Back Out

Wednesday October 21, 2015 Guerneville CA.

My back seemed like it was good enough to get this pipe part of the pipe project done today, so I got started just after ten this morning.

Work site

This was the work site. All the pipes that you see have to go and be replaced in a more orderly fashion.worksite


This is looking at it from another angle. There’s PVC and galvanized pipe which I had to remove to start this out this morning. There’s five houses on this system, so I had to tell them all I was going to do it and with that many houses I had to get it all done today. The metal tank isn’t being used anymore and we’ll have to get it out of there eventually, somehow.worksite2


New pipes

I’ve set these pipes up to hook back up to the old well someday, plus there is spring water going through here to my house and my brother’s houses across the road.



The biggest pipe here is the repair for the main pipe I broke the other day. That’s the top of the old well on the right which we plan to put back in service soon to water the part of my brother’s gardens on this side of the road, likely as soon as he purchases my Aunt’s property which all this is on.pipes


These pipes go to the pipe creek crossing that got washed out last winter in a big storm and the pipe on the right goes back to my Aunt’s house to supply her water from our springs from tanks up on the hillside. I hooked the water hose back up across the creek for now which you can see in the background.valves


This view is looking back from where the valve boxes are going to go. And yes, the ditches where all dug by hand, or at least with my trusty shovel.boxes


I got it all hooked up about three thirty. I had to stop and take two Aleve’s and put the cold pack on my back for a half hour before I was able to turn the water on.

I slowly put water to all the pipes, checking for any leaks and sure hoping there weren’t any as my back had pretty much had it for the day.

I didn’t have any leaks and got the water back to everyone just after four PM, so all was good, except maybe my back. :O)

I’ll cover it up in a day or so once I get my back, back in shape.

Then I can start to do the repair on the creek crossing that just has a garden hose going across the creek for right now.

I’m sure glad to get that part done. Now I can get all the supplies to do the repair on the creek crossing and get that job done before winter sets in.

That was my day.

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