Marty and I Are Off On Our Trip to the Plumas National Forest Area to Do Some Exploring

Saturday, June 1, 2, 3, 2023 Plumas Forest CA.

June one

I met Marty on the north side of Santa Rosa at the start of the road that we started our journey to north eastern California for this trip at about 10:30 in the morning and we were off.  We plan to be out for about a month at this spot and one other spot up further north.

Game Refuse

We took a shortcut across this game refuse where this grader was working on making the road a bit smoother.grader1


The refuse grows a lot of rice here for the migratory birds. We stopped for a break not far past this point for some refreshment and some rest.refuse2


First night’s camp

Eventually we got past all the crazy fast drivers in the cities and made it to our first camp spot here at a trail head that most don’t know about. We had it all to ourselves.camp1


We spotted these big four inch blooms on some trees which I think are called dogwood trees.dogwood4


Here we are walking back to our camp, just before dark.camp5


Mosquitos are out in force, June 2

It was at this point we realized we were going to have to deal with mosquitos on this trip as it was spring and they had a lot of rain and snow this winter and spring, so they’d be out in force near the waters where we were going.

Anyway, the next morning we continued our trek on up to the Plumas National Forest were we were headed, just getting into them here.road6


Second camp spot

We made our first camp in the forest at this spot by a big meadow which was real lush with grasses and flowers.camp7


This was our view from camp.view8


I walked around this meadow and it was real wet under the grasses with an old spring nearby.spring9


June 3

We are done with the paved roads for now and are heading into the boonies of the forest.road10


Old camp spot, Last Chance Creek

We’d camped in this spot last fall and we wanted to explore some more of this creek. We stopped here to get our bearings, looking at our maps before we took off to find another camp spot by this creek.creek11


We had about five miles more to go to the first possible camp spot and wild flowers were out in force.medow12


We stopped here to check out maps.vans13



And made it back down to the creek where we decided to camp. The creek flows just off to the left of us. We put up our nets and magnets over the doors as the mosquitos were real bad here.camp14


We plan to work our way down this creek looking for more camp sites and doing some fishing and looking around.

The mosquitos are a bummer, but otherwise every thing is real beautiful here right now.

Nice day.

Oh, cell phone signals are real bad in here so posting isn’t going to be very often. We’ll try to climb up some mountains when we can to try and get a signal.

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2 Responses to Marty and I Are Off On Our Trip to the Plumas National Forest Area to Do Some Exploring

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    It’s beautiful. I don’t know how you know where campers can stay.
    Too bad about the skitters!

  2. Gaelyn says:

    Gorgeous country!

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