Thursday October 7, 2021 Guerneville CA.
No energy today
I woke with not much energy to do much of anything today.
I wanted to at least get my kayak off the van and onto my car.
But I needed a nap and just couldn’t get it going so I took it easy for most of the day mostly sitting around and enjoying the yards fall colors.
I finally untied the boat and got it off to here before I did some more sitting around.
Happy chickens
I let the chickens out into the front yard around six.
They found something they were checking out.
I finally got the kayak on the car and tied down.
Sore Arm muscle
It was then I realized that loading my kayak on the car was what has been messing up my right arm for the last couple of month, messing up the muscle and causing a lot of pain. I’d been trying to figure out the cause for quite some time.
That means I will need to load the boat differently somehow as not to stress that arm as I’m not ready to give up kayaking just yet.
Blackberry vines
I got the loppers out and cut back some wild blackberry vines that were spreading in the yard. This time of year all the vine ends head for the ground trying to establish roots and spread so I try to hold them back a little.
I was sitting in a chair just before dark and saw this sunset looking west.
Recent fire while I was gone
I did learn from my brother Tom that the recent fire was about a block from our houses just up the road in the forest.
He said a helicopter landed in his garden and knocked over some of his tomato plants. It dispatched some fire fighters to the fire and then picked them up later. The quick response put the fire out, so that took care of that.
Nice lazy day.
I’m not surprised you are tired out, travelling is fun but it does take a lot out of us. You shouldn’t have a rush to unload. :D