New Trail Cams and Exploring For a New Fire Trail

Friday July 26, 2024 Guerneville CA.

New trail cams

I got two new ones the other day. I put batteries in them and today, I’ll mount them on my pond and my water pool to see what kind of action I can record.

Here’s the two new trail cams, with the screw in tree mounts I like to use to mount the cams.cams1

Water pool

I rode on up to my water pool and mounted one of the cams on this tree. The cams blend in well on the tree and most people don’t look up in trees.cam5

This is what the cam looks like mounted on the tree with the screw in mount.treecam3

The cam overlooks this water pool. The shadow from the old dead fir tree might give me some false motion detections.pool4

Pond site

Once that cam was setup, I rode on over to my pond area and mounted the other new cam on this big tree.treecam6

The screw in mount make it easy to set the cam up.cam7

The cam is on the big tree to the right and overlooks the pond on the left.pondcam8


I collected one of the cards from a cam I have up on the main road and it showed this mountain lion came by again. The date and time on this cam is wrong, so I set it up right, so I’ll get some more accurate information on when this cat comes by.lion

Fire trail planning

Once the that project was done, I rode on over to here to check out a ridge for a possible fire trail. I parked here at the top of it and walked down the ridge which is in back of the rig parked there.park

The ridge top was fairly thick with trees and brush.ridge9

I had to work  my way through things.brush11

I’ll need to make a way down this little hill to get on the ridge if I make this fire trail.pole12

This project is just int the planning, maybe stage, so far.

Break spot

From there, I rode up to our break area at the top. You can see the fog sneaking in from the ocean which helps keep this area cooler and the fog likely helps water the forest trees through their leaves.view13

After a good break, I rode down the backside of the hill and hiked down this road to check it out, to see if I could bring the fire trail down to this area. Maybe. I’ll have to do a lot  more walking through this area to figure that out. It’s steep country so that will take some time.road

Nice day.

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2 Responses to New Trail Cams and Exploring For a New Fire Trail

  1. KennyD says:

    How to carry a chainsaw on a skid steer: Google “skid steer chainsaw mount”, there must be 50 different versions. Most use a Cat for demonstration, but I bet they would fit yours, too. Also, bet a guy as handy as you are could get inspiration (maybe copy) and make your own. Just sayin”

    • Bob says:

      I guess I need to build one of these things as it would be good to have a chainsaw on that rig.

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