Friday November 18, 2022 Guerneville CA.
Project of the day
I needed to move these old cement blocks off the old bridge so I could clean it up a little. The bridge is barely used and is an old county road bridge that they abandoned a long time ago, but my brother uses it to get to his gardens and around the ranch property from his place.
Cleaned up
I got the cement blocks moved and loaded up the wheelbarrow with the dirt from the bridge and took it to my garden and dumped it where I thought it would be the most useful.
Once that was done I did some chair hopping resting up and enjoying the day.
Dental appointment
I was thinking of riding up into the hills and doing some trail work but instead I decided to set up an appointment with a specialist through my dentist and figured that’d take the rest of the day to get accomplished.
I made the call to my dentist and yes, it took the rest of the day to get the appointment set up with the specialist guy. I need to have a sore tooth looked at which has been causing me only minor pain.
Teeth clenching
I wasn’t sure I really wanted to make this appointment as I think the pain might be caused by me clenching my teeth on that side as that’s the side I usually do that on.
I thought I had the clenching under control but it might have sneaked back on me. What I want to do is just make sure there isn’t anything else going on with that tooth and if so I need to work on stopping the clenching more.
I don’t think the specialist will find anything wrong with the tooth, but it will cost me about 500 bucks to find out.
I spent the rest of the day chair hopping around the yard with the chickens.
Nice day.