Overcast Day and I Discover the Van Has a Radiator Leak

Monday March 30, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Rotten luck

It was overcast today so I was slow in getting it going this morning. Light showers on and off throughout the day so things were a bit wet.

Leaky radiator

However this is one place I would rather not see it wet, under the van. It appears I have a leak in my radiator as the spot in the back got bigger after I tightened up the hose clamp the other day.leak


That means I will have to remove the radiator to see what’s going on and get things fixed up. Not today though.

Bamboo fence

I trimmed up the bamboo poles I cut down yesterday and worked on this chicken fence some more getting most of the poles in.fence


The bamboo poles are only part of the repairs I need to do. Some of the fence needs some wire fence installed in a couple spots. But not today.

Watching my chickens

I let the chickens out to graze late in the day. Here’s some of them in my cherry orchard.chickens


After I let the chickens out I spent the rest of the day chair hopping around the yard watching the chickens do their thing.

Cool evening

Being overcast and all the day cooled down quick as evening approached so I didn’t stay out long after that and went into the house where it was warm.

With the day being overcast I didn’t get much done but I did get something done and it was an easy day, so nice day.

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One Response to Overcast Day and I Discover the Van Has a Radiator Leak

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Easy days are good. We’ve had quite a few over the past week! :)
    Not today. Wait for sunshine.

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