Making Bamboo Poles and Working On the Chicken Fence

Sunday March 29, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Working on the chicken fence

It was raining lightly this morning and didn’t stop until early afternoon when it turned to light showers so I hung in the house this morning for most of the day.

When the rain did let up I was out in the yard moving these bamboo poles to where I’m working on the chicken fence across the yard.poles


There were a couple more showers during the day and I got a little wet but not bad.

The sky looked like this most of the


Work area

I dragged the bamboo poles to my work area here.poles2


Chicken fence

And I worked on installing poles in the old wire fence. I didn’t get it all done as I need more poles but it’s looking like this.fence


Let us out

Around 6 the chickens were ready to get out and do some grazing in the front yard.chickens


So I let them out to do their thing which is tear things up and eat stuff.graze


Chicken gets out

I watched this chicken as it’s been getting into  my brother’s yard next door and I was wondering how it was getting out. It walked right up to the left side of this gate.bird


And she walked right through the wire fence hole I left for the cat to get through.bird2


My brother doesn’t mind the chicken in  his yard and actually likes it but I’m not sure how he’ll like it when they all find the way over there. I’m not sure how to control that.

Falling bamboo

I still had a little time before dark and still needed to cut some more bamboo down for fence poles.

Here’s my black bamboo patch where I cut the poles down.patch


Then I drag the poles over here to trim off all their limbs which didn’t get done today.bamboo


Even though it rained lightly today it was still a nice day working around in the yard, doing my thing in isolation.

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