Paddling Around Jenner I Locate Ray and We Hike Up to the Big Rock

Tuesday April 3, 2018 Jenner CA.

Jenner Paddle and a hike

I headed down to Jenner to kayak for the day. Wild flowers are blooming and it looks like it might be a foggy day kayaking as I approached Jenner today.road1


I saw Ray’s truck in the parking lot so I knew he was down here somewhere in his boat, but with the fog I might not be able to locate him.

Paddling in the fog

I headed on down towards the open mouth area in the fog.fog2


These terns and mallards were sitting on the lower end of Penny Island as I paddled by.birds4


River mouth is open

I paddle by some of the harbor seals resting on the beach down here, but I didn’t see Ray anywhere.seals4


I headed back up the river going by the island back channel where I went by this merganser duck on a submerged redwood log.merganser5


Fog’s lifting

This is going up the island’s back channel as the fog was lifting.channel6


This were a number of these great white egrets fishing along the shoreline today.birds8


There’s Ray

I ran into Ray in his boat just below Eagle’s Landing. We decided to take a hike up to the Old Indian Lady’s Face rock, so we paddled the half mile up the river and pulled out here for our hike up the hill to the rock.shoreboats10


Big rock

There’s the rock we are going to hike up to, maybe about a half mile or so.rock11


It’ a fairly easy hike up through several different micro climates. Here’s Ray as we approach the big rock.rayrock12


The view down river from the big rock.view13


And the view up river from the rock.view14


We hung out on the big rock for awhile shooting the bull. It was a nice day for just sitting around.

Eventually we headed back down to the river going by these ferns and trees.trees15


Eagle flies in

Once back in our boats we headed down the river. Ray says there’s an eagle flying there and it’s going to land at Eagle’s Landing which it did.eagle16


It flew off as we approached.

We paddled on and just in front of the upper end of Penny Island I spied these two big birds sitting together which they rarely do. A great white egret and and a great blue heron.stump17


From there we headed back to the boat ramp and went on home.

Tired out today

For some reason I was tired out today so I didn’t do anything at home and went to bed early.

That was my day.

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