Paddling Down From Monte Rio to Duncan’s Mills Fire House and Back

Sunday October 26, 2014 Monte Rio CA.

But first a bit of mechanicing

First thing this morning, I decided to find out why my van backup lights don’t work. After taking some things apart and crawling under the van, I found that my very slow oil leak in my transmission had coated my backup switch in oil and dirt, which made it hard for the switch to move. It just took a bit of moving the switch back and forth to get it going again and that was fixed up.

Next, I looked at why my heater fan stopped working in my car. I checked the fuses, but they were ok. Doing anything else to it seemed like a  lot of work, so I didn’t get that one fixed.

Headed out to kayak

That was enough work for one day, so I headed on down to Monte Rio to kayak the river on this fine autumn day. Not many people on the river right now, so no ramp rage today.

I put my boat in the water and headed on down the river at my usual slow pace.

This was the view just below Monte Rio.downview


I passed this turtle getting some sun.turtle


Here, I’m just above the Villa Grande hole, where I stopped to talk with Andrew, a fisherman and some nice ladies joined in too.villagrande


I talked with them for quite a while, then continued on down the river. Here, I’m just above Marcum hole at Rein’s


I passed several great blue herons on the way, here’s one of them.heron


I took my time and eventually, I made it to Casini’s Ranch, where I stopped for a bit under some trees, then continued on.

I’m just entering Brown’s hole at Casini’s in this picture still headed down the river.brownshole


This was my view as I approached the Duncan’s Mills Bridge, which is just out of sight. I stopped and turned around about in the middle of this picture near the fire house.firehousearea


The biologists have a device across the river at the fire house that counts fish that have been tagged as they cross. There’s some wires in the big pipes seen under the water.fishcount


The big pipes used to be continuous all the way across the river, but they must have upgraded the system to some newer one, as now there were only pipes at spots across the river, not continuous anymore.

I sat around in the area for a while then started my trip back up the river.

I’ve just passed Casini’s and am headed to Rein’s beach in this picture.upview


And here I’m just coming into the Sheridan beach area.upriver


As the sun has gone low in the sky, the reflections are starting to get better as I approach the Villa Grande hole headed up the river.villa


I like to sit just above the Villa Grande hole and watch, which I’m doing here, looking up the river.russianriver


I thought I saw a little bird over in the weeds as I was passing, so I went over to check it out.

Looks like a little grebe, a diving bird. I’m not really sure on this bird. I call it a puddle duck as it leaves a puddle when it sinks into the water. grebe


There’s always a nice reflection in this spot, just below Monte Rio, heading up river.reflections


I think it was about five thirty by this time as I approached the Monte Rio area.monterio


I’m just approaching the boat launch ramp at Monte Rio, where the person is standing and you can see part of the bridge as I headed on in for the day.ramp


I took my boat out of the water and went on home for the day.

When I got home, I was all tired out, so I hit the couch and that was about it for the day.

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2 Responses to Paddling Down From Monte Rio to Duncan’s Mills Fire House and Back

  1. Reba Cargile says:

    Hi Bob,

    Every time I read your problem with ramp rage I just chuckle. It is a wonder I did not get shot.

    Ten years ago I was pulling a 17′ foot bass boat all over this state of Arkansas. I loved to fish bass tournaments plus I loved to fish by myself.

    Being a female everyone just blew me off until I caming zooming down the launching ramp backwards right in the middle of those inconsiderate b——-. Sure did make them scatter.

    I think there should be a seminar (class) about how to use a launching ramp before someone could use a public ramp.

    I could launch my boat or take it out in less than five minutes all by myself.

    Love your blog. Even got my atlas out to find Jenner……Beautiful location.

    Arkie female redneck,


    • admin says:

      Hi Reba,
      I got a good chuckle imagining you plowing down the boat ramp. I sometimes wonder if people come to the boat ramp to peddle with their stuff or to boat. It amazes me when someone with a kayak takes over an hour to get it together on the ramp. They could just as easily do their stuff off to the side, but? Oh Well.
      Like you, I go to the ramp to get on or off the water and I’m not sure what some of the other people go to the ramp for? However, thank goodness a lot of people do, do it right and a lot of times I do thank them for that.
      I do think I need to figure out how to make ramp rage fun, like you. Of course, they’d likely throw me in jail after I ran over a few of them,
      Thanks for your comment,

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