Paddling Monte Rio Up to Bohemian Grove and More Fire Protection Work in the Yard

Friday October 13, 2017 Monte Rio CA.

Paddling up from Monte Rio

With the river’s mouth closed the riffle below the Monte Rio bridge is flat like a lake so it’s an easy time to paddle up it to the bridge.

As you can see the water is flat like a lake, no current here below the Monte Rio bridge.monterio



Once I cleared the bridge there were a couple crows getting a drink of water on the water’s edge. Interesting reflections.crows2


I went by this great blue heron fishing in the weeds.heron3


Just above the heron this egret was fishing.egret4


And there was another egret in the tree preening as I paddled by.egret5


River otters sneak by

About a mile above Monte Rio I spied these two river otters trying to sneak by me headed down the river.otters6


And I saw this hawk fly into this tree for a moment before flying off.hawk7


Bohemian Grove Hole

Here I’m just coming up on what is known as the Bohemian Grove hole just ahead.boho8


Here I am sitting in the Bohemian Grove hole where I stopped and had a good break before heading back down the river. There used to be a big high wooden train crossing here in the olden days. It came off the place on the rocks with the wooden fence on it to the left.boho9


Heading back down the river

As you can see the wind was down in this area today as I head back towards Monte Rio.irver10


I saw this turtle just before it splashed into the water in a hurry to escape.turtle10


Some smoke moved back in today

This is just above Monte Rio. A bit of smoke from the Santa Rosa fires moved into our area today. rivr11


Here  I’m approaching the Monte Rio bridge. The boat ramp is just below the bridge.riobridge11


  I put the boat on the car and drove on home for the day. Nice paddle.

More fire prevention in the yard

I rested up when I got home then went out in the yard and did some more brush removal for fire protection by the creek in the back of the house. I got it knocked down and now just have to clean it up a bit.brush13


UPS Man shows up

Around five I heard the UPS guy pull up outside my main gate so I went out to get my new gas tank for my 1968 Toyota that I’ll be working on.

Here’s the new gas tank just out of the box.gastank12


Working on the bridge bulkhead

My brother Tom brought some 8 foot steel fence posts by to use to fix the bridge bulkhead. I needed to drill two holes in each one by the end so I can put some lag bolts through the holes to hold the whole thing together onto what’s left of the old bulkhead which is wood.

I got the holes drilled but I could not find any lag bolts on hand so I’ll have to go buy some before I can do any more on that project.

That was my day for a good one.

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One Response to Paddling Monte Rio Up to Bohemian Grove and More Fire Protection Work in the Yard

  1. Pam in Louisiana says:

    I love the crow reflection picture, it could be entered in a photo contest!

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