Pause In Rain Storms So I Go to Jenner For a Paddle

Thursday January 28, 2021 Jenner CA.

Kayak day

It wasn’t raining today when I got it going and there was even some sun out, but I hear there’s more rain storms coming soon so I thought I better get out for a yak while I could.

Jenner overlook

I drove on down to the Jenner Overlook that looks out over the river and ocean.

The view of the river on the left with the ocean on the right.river2


River’s mouth open

River’s mouth just opened up this morning.

Looking out over the river’s open mouth into the ocean. It looks like the mouth opened naturally this morning or so as the water level was slowly going down in the river.ocean


Looking south from the overlook.mouth


Boat ramp put in

From the overlook I drove on over to the boat ramp at the visitor’s center and put my boat in the water. I decided to paddle around Penny Island and go down the back channel towards the ocean here where I stopped for a bit on the island’s upper end before starting down the island’s back channel.river


Panda bear stuff

As I paddled down the island’s back channel I could look across the island over towards the town of Jenner. But what I was looking at was some Panda bear stuff on the grassy ridge top.jenner


Looks to me like Panda bear cows on the ridge top above the town of Jenner.pandas


Big stump

I continued on down the island’s back channel and stopped by this big redwood stump for a bit before continuing on.stump


From the island I paddled across the river headed down towards the open river’s mouth just up ahead a bit.river6


Rough ocean

The ocean was real rough and making a lot of pounding noises as the waves hit the beaches, looking out the mouth into the ocean.mouth8


Harbor seals

There were two groups of harbor seals resting on the sandy beach.seals9


And this group of resting harbor seals..seals


Sea lion means big fish

I hung around the mouth area for some time. I saw and heard a sea lion inside the open mouth area. Sea lions in this area mean they are usually hunting the big spawning fish coming into the river to spawn.

I left the open mouth and started back up the river towards the boat ramp.ocean10


With the recent rain storms the river is up a bit and a bit muddy with lots of debris floating around as I paddled by this spot.river11


I paddled along here headed to the boat ramp up ahead.ramp


Sun and low wind

That was a nice day for a paddle and even had some sun out with lots of big clouds. The wind was also down which makes for a much nicer paddle.

I made it to the boat ramp and put the boat on the car and drove on home up along the river to Guerneville about 15 miles to my house.

Once home I checked on the chickens and went in the house for a good nap.

Nice day on the river.

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2 Responses to Pause In Rain Storms So I Go to Jenner For a Paddle

  1. Barb says:

    Hi Bob!
    I’ve been enjoying your blog since the fires. Thank you.
    I like how you live!
    The cows are Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder). We called them
    Oreo cookie cows.

  2. Nancy K says:

    It’s interesting how the mouth of the river and the ocean work, and of course the sea lions know just when to show up for dinner.

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